#akaashi  keiji


pairing: akaashi keiji x female reader

genre: fluff, TLFY!au

warnings: a little nsfw

word count: 1280

synopsis: on a trip to your parents’ house for akaashi to meet them, you also take a trip down memory lane as well

author’s note: chapter fourteen of ellie and i’s “the last five years” au collab. HHHHH i love this chapter, hope you enjoy it too <3


my best friend had a little situation at the end of our senior year

and like a shot, she and mitchell got married that summer

you sat in the passenger seat of akaashi’s black convertible, the wind ruining your perfectly done hair; even though your parents would probably scold you on looking so improper you couldn’t seem to care about that at all in the moment. you had your senior yearbook out, telling your boyfriend about your old friend who got knocked up in high school. 

“carolann was getting bigger literally every minute, you wouldn’t believe how huge she got, ‘kaashi! and mitchell was going out ev’ry night being a heavy-metal drummer…i mean i guess it worked out for them though, they got a little cute house on a little cute street with a crucifix on the door. oh! but mitchell got a job at a record store in the mall, so maybe not so much?” you giggled, closing the book.

just the typical facts of a typical life in a town on the eastern shore

“oh really? did you want something like that, hmm?” he asked teasingly, coming to a stop at a red light, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. 

you thought about his question, thought about what you wanted…and it wasn’t like that at all. you looked towards akaashi, shaking your head quickly, “i made carolann a cute baby sweater, thinking ‘i can do better than that!’” leaning over the center console, you grabbed your boyfriend’s pretty face in your hands and pressed a quick kiss to his soft lips. the traffic lights turned to green but he didn’t start driving again; instead, he went to go in for another kiss–well tried to before you ended up smacking him away with a laugh, telling him to start driving again.

in a year or so, i moved to the city, thinking “what have i got to lose?” 

got a room, got a cat, and got twenty pounds thinner

you sighed, looking up to the blue sky in wonder and disbelief, a wild memory of your past relationship coming to your head. “i remember, i met a guy in a class i was taking with some very well placed tattoos,” you started, rolling your eyes at the thought of him, “he wouldn’t leave me alone ‘less i went with him to dinner.”

“tell me about him, love.” the nickname akaashi had grown to give you made your stomach twist and explode with butterflies, embarrassing warmth flooding your cheeks.

“well, i guess he was cute, and i guess he was sweet, and i guess he was good in bed. i gave up my life for the better part of a year. so i’m starting to think that this maybe might work and the second it entered my head…” your head rolled to look at your lover, deadpanning, “he needed to take some time off, focus on his ‘career.’ he blew me off with a heartfeltletter! the audacity, really…but i couldn’t help but think ‘i can do better than that!’”

you don’t have to get a haircut, you dont’t have to change your shoes, you don’t have to like duran duran…just love me…

you reached your hand over to him, running your fingers through his black locks, tugging it ever so slightly. he eyed you from the corner of his eyes, looking at you curiously with a pleasured groan, “what?”

“just thinking. listen, you don’t have to put the seat down–” he snorted at your words, interrupting your intimate speech that you just came up with two seconds ago, “listen! you don’t have to watch the news, you don’t have to learn to tango. you don’t have to eat prosciutto, you don’t have to change a thing for me ‘kaashi.”

just stay with me

he drove to a private corner that wasn’t on your way to your parent’s house, pulling over and parking the car. he took off his seatbelt, looking at you with need, “get in the back, love.” a shiver ran down your spine and straight to your core at his dominant tone, immediately climbing over the chair and taking off your cardigan, watching as he got out of the car and took off his own dress shirt, jumping over the door to get to you quicker (the way his toned muscles in his arm tensed as he did so was so very intoxicating.)

his hands slid under back, fitting himself between your legs like a puzzle, leaning down to place kisses all over your jaw and neck, nipping at your skin here and there. you arched into him, a small moan escaping your lips, your nails dragging down his back. “i want you and you and nothing but you,” you breathed out, grabbing his face to look at you, “miles and piles of you. finally, i’ll have something worthwhile to think of each morning…”

you kissed him deeply, your mouth automatically opening for his access. your hands reached down to unbuckle his pants, making quick work with unbuttoning them next. he got up off of you, kicking his pants off quickly. “what else do you want, darling? i’ll give it to you, anything.” 

“you, ‘kaashi, and nothing but you.” you sat up, pushing him back down and straddling his hips as best as you could in the small car. you tugged your shirt off–luckily you did wear a skirt today so…that was easy to work with. he dove into your chest, your hands flying back up to his hair and pulling at it. you dragged your teeth along his earlobe, panting into his ear, “you’re mine. totally mine.”

i don’t need any lifetime commitments

i don’t need to get hitched tonight

you were back on the road, fixing your smudged lipstick with a smile. you stole a look at akaashi, admiring his disheveled hair and marks that you left on his neck. “like what you see?” he teased, his electrifying blue eyes narrowed at you.

“hell yeah i do.” you pinched his cheek playfully, sticking your tongue out before becoming somewhat serious again, “i don’t mean to put on any pressure, ‘kaashi, but i know when a thing is right, and i spend everyday re-configuring my senses! so when when we get to my house, take a look at that town, at how far i’ve gone. i will never go back, never look back anymore because it feels like my life led right to your side and will keep me there from now on!” 

he softly smiled at you, caressing your cheek, “i love you, y/n.”

think about what you wanted

think about what could be

think about how i love you

he pulled into your childhood neighborhood, parking his car at the curb in front of your parents’ house. before he could open his door, you grabbed onto his wrist, “say you’ll move in with me. think about it, at least. think of what’s great about me and you. think of the bullshit we’ve both been through. think of what’s past. because…we can do better than that, keiji.”

you saw him gulp when you said his actual name for the first time before breaking out into a wide grin, “love…i don’t have to think about it. let’s do it, okay? anywhere you want, as long as we are together.” 

you smiled brightly, tears springing to your eyes at his sudden acceptance, “i love you, so much. oh! there’s my parents, ah–wait you have a little bit of my lipstick on your lip, lemme help you so my mom doesn’t think bad of you…”

we can do better than that!


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